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Through life we become many things, but being a woman is always a constant.  Stephanie Seymour is a beautiful woman that knows how to move her body in sync with a photographer.  I would really love to photograph her myself….I see that happening.



Read more at Vanity Fair

Photographer: Mario Testino

Marion Cotillard shot in New York by Annie Leibovitz for Dior.  Watch the Lady Dior Movie.


DIOR Lady Rouge

This show is full of beautiful pieces.  The dresses are beautiful, right amount of tight, short, longer, flowy to fill my wardrobe.

BIG note to younger Sprinkled In Pink readers though, please know that the bodies on these models are very rare.  In my every day life I only every blue moon see a woman with a body as skinny as the models on the the runways…so EAT!

Eat healthy and love your beautiful body just the way it is!

NOW to the clothes!!!

Model:  Constance Jablonski  Photo: Marcio Madeira -

Model: Lily Donaldson Photo: Marcio Madeira -

Model: Carmen Kass Photo: Marcio Madeira -

Model: Natasha Poly Photo: Marcio Madeira -

As a woman with a gap I must admit, I was thrilled to see this beautiful girl in the fall ad campaign for Hudson Jeans with her beautiful gap!  Glad to see that with all of that money she didn’t “fix” her gap.

(ps she is the 17 year old daughter of Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall!)






Photographer: Norman Jean Roy

Styled: Ryan Hastings

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