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Beautiful follow up to the cream series

Scarlett for Dolce & Gabbana

Right on time to go with my newest crush on Debbie Harry!





Photo by: Mario Sorrenti




I am a huge Dolce and Gabbana Fan and I love when Scarlett gives the classic look.




These are timeless…


APRIL 1995: "HOLLYWOOD HIGHEST—THE CLASS OF 2000" Jennifer Jason Leigh, Uma Thurman, Nicole Kidman, Patricia Arquette, Linda Fiorentino, Gwyneth Paltrow, Sarah Jessica Parker, Julianne Moore, Angela Bassett, and Sandra Bullock.

APRIL 1995: "HOLLYWOOD HIGHEST—THE CLASS OF 2000" Jennifer Jason Leigh, Uma Thurman, Nicole Kidman, Patricia Arquette, Linda Fiorentino, Gwyneth Paltrow, Sarah Jessica Parker, Julianne Moore, Angela Bassett, and Sandra Bullock.


APRIL 2004: "SEND IN THE GOWNS" Julianne Moore, Jennifer Connelly, Gwyneth Paltrow, Naomi Watts, Salma Hayek, Jennifer Aniston, Kirsten Dunst, Diane Lane, Lucy Liu, Hilary Swank, Alison Lohman, Scarlett Johansson, and Maggie Gyllenhaal.

APRIL 2004: "SEND IN THE GOWNS" Julianne Moore, Jennifer Connelly, Gwyneth Paltrow, Naomi Watts, Salma Hayek, Jennifer Aniston, Kirsten Dunst, Diane Lane, Lucy Liu, Hilary Swank, Alison Lohman, Scarlett Johansson, and Maggie Gyllenhaal.


Source: Vanity Fair



Allure December 2008

Allure December 2008


Allure December 2008

Allure December 2008


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